June 15, 2010

Cotton Jones - "Glorylight and Christie"

It's easy to forget Michael Nau and Whitney McGraw played in Page France together before forming Cotton Jones. Mostly because with Paranoid Cocoon and the Rio Ranger EP, they've created a persona and sound so unbelievably raw and pure that it's hard to imagine any other music possible. Tall Hours In The Glowstream, the group's next full-length, is scheduled to be released August 24.

Cotton Jones - "Glorylight and Christie" (from Tall Hours In The Glowstream)

Cotton Jones

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, love Cotton Jones and I love this blog, you always manage to find some great stuff. I'm also trying to run a little blog of my own as well, The Art of the Mixtape, find it at www.hughwillett.com
