July 6, 2010

Beach Fossils: Subtle Punks

"I don't know just what I feel, but I feel it all tonight."

Brooklyn's Beach Fossils may be the world's most subtle punk rock band. There's certainly no emphasis on distortion, speed or power chords here, but rather Dustin Payseur's project-turned-sensation embraces the great straightforwardness of music with a collection of devastatingly simple rhythmic-propelled guitar hooks. Flash is sacrificed here for the medicine of the easily repeatable—and it pays off beautifully throughout the grimy, small club feel of the Beach Fossils' addicting eponymous debut. It may be just over 30 minutes in length, but the record makes its point almost immediately: sometimes the uncomplicated and uncluttered things in life are the most enjoyable.

Beach Fossils - "Golden Age" (from Beach Fossils)
Beach Fossils - "Youth" (from Beach Fossils)


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